About Mallory

bright-eyed and bushy-tailed with a natural affinity for mischief-making, a knack for creativity, and a passion for the burgeoning digital media frontier.I'm a twenty three year old who looks eighteen and acts like a ten your old on a sugar-high. My childish sense of wonder serves as an escape route from the tedium of life,providing ample oppportunities for creative, out-of-the-box idea generation. but good ideas are nothing without a  firm degree of discipline to proactively jumpstart any one of your innovative  endeavors.

After a long procrastinating creative drought, I've finally decided to abandon my perfectionistic tendencies in writing and let speckles of mal-made pixiedust spread throughout the writing. But more importantly I'm writing to have a damn good time while engaging in a passion and developing creative, playful, content that entertains you readers/madmen out there.


  1. Mallory,

    My name is Alexandra Siegel and I am a Film/video student from Fitchburg State University. For my senior thesis I am producing a documentary on unpaid internships. Now I understand your dropping of the suite against the David Letterman show was very recent and I am sure a lot of people have been bugging you about that so I'd hate to be another annoyance but I have a question. Would you have any interest in being interviewed for my documentary so that you could tell your side of the story? I am a film student, not associated with any news station and the interview would only be used for my documentary for education purposes. If you'd like to hear more about the project please feel free to email me at asiegel2@student.fitchburgstate.edu. Best.

  2. i would love to help you out. want to shoot me an email at mpm344@nyu.edu. Thanks Alexandra!
